
I like to cook. Really, I do, but not solely for myself. Case and Point:

My family has been out of town since last Saturday night. (It is Friday morning now), and I have eaten a wide variety of processed meats and frozen foods. This includes at work too. Hot Pockets, chicken pot pies, and hot dogs, but mostly my diet has consisted of sandwiches. My buddy Rodney P. use to always say that the best things in life was sex and sandwiches. Just like George on Seinfeld. I got half of that equation covered Mr. P. I now you would be proud of me.

It may be a male instinct to be lazy around the house. I think of my bachelor days and I immediately slip right into those comfortable shoes from the past when my family is not around. For instance, I have used the same glass the entire week. I have had mostly water so this is not a big deal, but beer washes out of it just fine too. Of course my coffee cup had some cream floaters this morning, but a simple spooning out of the coagulation did the trick. I think it may enhance the flavor too, but haven't scientifically proved that one. Besides, the heat from the java should kill anything, right? -- RIGHT??

Another example of my single male lazy instincts is that I already have all of my laundry separated and ready for wash. Of course it is all just laying on the floor of the closet in two piles. They are beautifully prepared bundles of cloth just waiting for the opportune time for me to decide to wash.... which will be the day before the girls get back. Unless I run out of some type of clothing, like underwear or something. But the plan, as of now is to wait until the eleventh hour, which will also be the time that the dishwasher will be run and the mail separated and gone through.

I am very appreciative of my wife and my family, more beyond the love. They certainly force my inhibitions from ruling my lifestyle. Lucky for me.

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