
Early this morning (December 14, 2003 - 2:42 a.m.) my sister-in-law, Kristi Weien gave birth to my brother's baby boy, Caleb Cormack Weien at Evans Hospital at Fort Carson, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

He is 6 lbs, 1 oz, 18 inches long, slightly blonde and handsome.

Both Mom and baby are doing great.

Will have photos soon enough, but just wanted to share the excitement. We have been here, in Colorado Springs since Decemer 6th (my birthday) to celebrate my 31st birthday and Zach's 25th (on December 10th). On Friday we had an early Christmas which was fantastic. This, of course tops the trip off.

Kristi was not due until January 3rd, so despite my persistent prodding of her, I did not expect this to really happen.

We are very excited - also to hear now that Saddam has been captured too!!!! Oddly enough, the unit that captured him was the Fourth Infantry Division, which was Zachary's old unit.

We did not will the Powerball, but today is still rich with historical happenings!

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