
Emma's Philosophical Phrase of the Day:
"Daddy, there are shadows in your coffee."

What Time Do You Get Up?
"May I be et-tused?" Emma asks in her sweet, non-stopping, consistent, chatty, girlish voice.
"Yes you may. Please put your dishes into the sink, then you can go play." I thank the heavens that she is done and is going to go to another part of the house, hopefully.

When my three year old is on this natural high first thing in the morning, all I can think about is that little Looney Tunes mouse:
"somepeople sayItalk toomuch doyou thinkItalk toomuch Idon't thinkItalk toomuch... "

Wishing for silence while I finish feeding Ellie her breakfast, Emma jumps from her chair at the table and does a full ballerina pirouette. It is perfect. Her nightgown lifts in a precise circle surrounding her tiny waist.

I blame my impatience with such a sweet child on the fact that I am only halfway through my first cup of coffee this morning.

She drops her Disney Princesses heart-shaped plastic plate into the sink and pirouettes to the center of the kitchen again. The entire time looking down at the fascinating and spectacular defeat of gravity her nightgown performs.

"I am going to dance for Ellie." she decides.
"Are you going to sing too?" I ask for clarification.
"No, just dance." she replies.
"Thank you God." I think to myself as I reach for another bitter taste of freshly brewed java.

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