
Say, Say, Say

Well it's been a good time using Emma's mispronunciation as a comedic writing tool. We took her to a speech pathologist for an evaluation yesterday. They told me that she does mispronounce certain letters and she could benefit from some meetings with them! I was amazed by the entire process, but our little four year old was the most amazing part of it all.

She really showed affection for the girl named Sarah who immediately distracted Emma from the "adult conversation" I was having with the other student evaluator. Sarah assisted on a puzzle that worked her right into Emma's heart. It was obvious the friendship had quickly matured when Emma began to add comments after each of Sarah's questions:

"What is this a picture of?" Sarah would ask.
"A Duct" Emma replied.
"A duck, right, very good. And what color is this duck?"
"Yeyow" she quickly volleyed back.
"That's right, yellow." Sarah encouraged as she started to turn the page in her picture book.
"My sister noves aminals." Emma added.
"She does? Do you have one sister?"
Emma nodded, confirming an affirmative.
"Do you have a brother?" Sarah followed up.
"No, but we don't know fo' shore if Elwie is doh-ing to be a boy or a dirl when she drows up."
Both evaluators turn to look at me to decipher.

Trying to not laugh to hard I assisted, "Ellie is a tomboy right now."

The smiles cracked, Emma nodded in agreement, and the page of the book turned for the next line of questions.

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