
Blame It On The Rain

It is hard to lose someone you love. It hurts when you know it is going to happen. It hurts a lot when it is a sudden surprise. It hurts no matter how it happens.

When it does happen, you naturally want to blame someone for that loss. Blame God. Blame the doctors. Blame the criminal. You may even blame the person for doing it to them-self, whether forcefully or passively.

You hurt so much the moment you find out they are gone, and you hurt a hell of a lot years later too.

There is not a single pill, drink, or distraction that can cure the pain from the loss of loved one. There is no truckload of pills, drinks, or distractions that will hide the fact that you miss that someone and hurt. The realization of life and death cause deep thought, reflection, and desire for one more chance to be with our dearly departed.

The only way to not hurt is to not love.

I wish the media and the public would not feast on the pain and suffering of those that have lost their loves. I wish they would not over-indulge in the emotional roller coaster ride that humans experience in the fleeting moments of loss. I wish the integrity of the human spirit would appreciate the fact that death is inevitable and all the players involved need time to hurt, blame, and continue loving. I wish the media-rich bastardization of their true feelings of powerlessness were not headlines on newspapers and 30 second spots for the Eleven O'Clock News.

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