And I Just Can't Hide It
It was a similar setting at our dinner table. All are eating, except Ellie, who loves to get down from her seat after two bites of her meal. This always drive us crazy since she usually spends the entire half an hour prior to dinner with demands for food because she is "really hungry."
Ellie also plays this game with us, droning on that she has to poop. Since she is a poop-hoarder, we always oblige her request, until recently. She never goes when we let her get down to wander the living room, so we have been making her sit with us at the table, and try to make her stomach a few more bites dinner until we are finished.
On this night, it was the same thing; constant requests for food, get served, eat two things, then decide it is time to lolly-gag around. I made her sit at the table, after several pleases and threats. Then we somehow got on the subject of Disneyland.
Emma had acquired a Disneyland brochure which both of the girls had embedded into their memories. Ellie is in love with the little cars from Autotopia.
As soon as we touched the Disneyland subject, the teary-eyed two-year old flooded us with crazy, almost undecipherable jabber about what she wants to ride on when she gets to "The Happiest Place on Earth."
"Eddy loves da tars. Yeah, da yeddow one is Eddy's tar. Daddy sit in da back. Eddy drive da yeddow one. It is soooo edciting!" she rambled and ended with her cheek resting on her shoulder and her hands clasped in front of her, resembling a Betty Boop pose.
We erupted in laughter while she continued, adding more emphasis on how "edciting" it will be, "Eddy drive da yeddow with Daddy in da back. It is soooooo edciting!" as she clapped her hands with elated anticipation.
"That's great, honey, now eat your apples."
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