Had to be a Big Shot, Didn't Ya?
The little girl was sweet, dainty, and smiley. Her name was, ironically, Crystal; as in "Crystal Clear". She sat immediately to my right in her precious little light blue dress with pastel pink, purple, and orange flowers. She, like the rest of my small "Center Time" table was tracing letters on her laminated worksheet with her black erasable marker. She was chatty and friendly towards me as she attempted to concentrate on her task. The upper and lowercase "A"s were already dry when she finally began on her "B"s. She ever so slightly marked outside the dotted line that acted as a template for the kindergartners. She quickly nabbed the dinky cloth eraser issued to each of the youngsters to immediately fix her miniscule mistake. She stole a glance at me to see if I noticed her misshaped letter form. I smiled at her.
"I need to start over." she sweetly informed me.
"OK" I answered.
"My 'B' is fat. Like you." she explained.
"I am not really fat. I'm just a lot bigger than you." I found me defending myself. "Right?"
She stared at me blankly as I pretended to watch her classmates.
"My dad is kind of fat too." she added.
"Just fix your letter." I ended our conversation.
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