
All I Want For Christmas

The girls got their chance to meet Santa Clause last week at the Flagstaff Mall. Emma is a veteran on the ritual, but everything was new again for her three year old sister. Neither were afraid or expressed nervousness when it became their turn to sit on his lap. We snapped our photos, as each girl gave St Nick a single item they had been wanting from him. The big man in red would then sweetly whisper this in their ear, "I have what you want."

He gave each of them a little treat and waved goodbye to all of us.

Ellie held back, puzzled. She kept searching her surroundings as we approached the glass doors to exit the mall. Glancing between all of us, she would turn around and stare back at the plastic North Pole decor, heavy in search for a clue. She finally stopped and demanded an answer before we left the building.

"He did not give me my castle."

Abbie consoled her, "Well, he knows what you want and he might give it to you on Christmas. You have to wait for Christmas."

The youngster quickly replied, "Yes, but he said that he had it."

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