
Girl, You Really Got Me Now

Food makes kids insane. This morning was no exception, however, I was forced to realize that my oldest has been taking comedy notes for the past six years. Usually she is the observer of such humorous events, or she creates hilarious situations unintentionally. This morning she became the comedian.

Emma insisted on telling me stories of various subjects with half of her breakfast clinging to the side of her face. I repeatedly asked her to wipe her face with the untouched paper napkin sitting next to her plate. Finally, I ignorantly stated, “Will you PLEASE wipe your face? You look retarded!”

Abbie shook her head and rolled her eyes at me.

Emma immediately responded, “It’s because I look like you!”


Abbie echoed haunting teases of my childhood, “Oooooooh, you got him good, Emma! Good job!”

After I caught my breath, I also praised her for her wittiness.

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