
On The Road Again

It has been years since my last post. My children are in high school. We are getting ready to start a new business in the downtown area. With the change of scenery, so are the stories tell. Let me give you an example:

Riding my bike from "the shop" to the Tuesday Food Truck event to grab some grub, I experienced and unfortunately common encounter with a homeless woman. She was screaming, "Why? WHY?" and something else that was completely inaudible from my safe bike lane across the four lane city street. Then she proceeded to slam the back of her head into the brick wall she was sitting against. Like checking the ripeness of watermelons, I tell ya.

I ate some delicious grilled fish tacos at The Hungry Pirate's food truck and proceeded back to the shop. The corner drummer was gone and two police officer vehicles were in the parking lot one block away. I concluded they had her in the back of one of those cars.

As I approached the shop, I found the poor woman. She was sitting in the middle of our street, right in front of our building, screaming frantically at passing vehicles. I directed the officers to her location.

She continued to ignore their directions of staying out of the street.

She was arrested.

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