
One For The Road

Went to on a road trip recently. On our trip from Flagstaff through Phoenix to Tucson there are numerous overhead illuminated message signs. They are intended to inform people of traffic or road hazards coming up ahead. It appears to be a statewide campaign for we saw all of the same messages:

"For Road Condition Information Dial 5-1-1"

And I can't help but think to myself, "That is fantastic, just in case there were no fatal car accidents in my future, I can now rest assure that there will be one real soon."

Picture some fella scrounging around the passenger seat through his attaché case for his cell phone. As he is busy thumbing through keypad guard passwords and dialing he is suddenly stopped by an 18-wheeler's back bumper that had slowed down because the lady in front of him is busy scrounging through her purse looking for her cell phone.

I mean, wouldn't a simple "The road is clear as of 4:32 pm from here to mile post 245." be a lot more sane?"

It's just a thought

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