
Ev'rybody Has A Laughing Place

Last week Abbie and I surprised Emma with a trip to Disneyland for her 6th Birthday.

We acted as if it were a regular day. Got ready and dropped Ellie off at Grammy and Papi's house. Then we just started heading west. Around Bellmont, AZ (12 miles or so out of town) Emma kindly asked me, "Daddy, are you sure this is the right way to my school?"

We told her that she wasn't going to school today or on Friday. Instead we thought we would drive West for lunch. She began to cry.

Around Williams, AZ (about 20 miles later) she said, "I want to know where you are taking me."

We had been holding the surprise for a couple of months, and we just couldn't handle it anymore. "We are heading West. Where out West do you think we are going?" we asked in return.

"I think we are going to Disneyland." she said without hesitation.

So we did. We spent the remainder of Thursday there. We had a hotel right outside the entrance. We stayed for two more days. It was awesome. The highlights of the trip include:

• Mickey Mouse signing Emma's Happy Birthday button she was given.
• Discovering that Emma is a screamer on fast rides.
• Breakfast with Minnie Mouse and friends on Friday morning.
• Premium seating for the Fantasmic show, where the audience sang "Happy Birthday" to Emma and a handful of other girls.
• Meeting most all of the princesses and getting a bunch of autographs.

For me, seeing the amazement and wonder in her eyes during the Fantasmic show was something I will never forget. It was a very magical event for all three of us.

Ellie? She didn't even ask where we were. She had a wonderful time with her Grandparents, and she is fully aware that "next time" she will get to go. Time to start saving for that one.

Here are some photos from our trip.

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