
Hey, Gonna Get You Too

A couple of weeks have passed, and I am suspecting that the sweet asian girl has either found a new target, or has finally approved of my lumpy man-body. She has remained sweet. She has not called me a single adjective. She has been one of my more pleasant kindergartners, even though she always call me Mrs. Weien. I am convinced that is her title of respect to all adults.

Despite the change in attitude from my first 6-year old nemesis, things haven't been incident-free on Thursday mornings.

I have been volunteering in Emma's kindergarten class for over six weeks. Within the first two weeks I had pretty much memorized all of the student's names. I have made it a point to greet each student when they arrive at my Center Time table every time I am there.

The sweet asian girl's group had just finished with me without any name calling, when the Green group joined me for our daily art project.

"Hello Luke" I said cheerfully, knowing that after this session I was going to leave the room unscathed.

Luke sprang to attention, puzzled. "How do you know my name?" he exclaimed.

"Because I am here every week." I answered as he blankly gazed at me. I paused to allow him time to remember, but by the frozen, perplexed grimace he was wearing, I knew that he could not recall ever meeting me. Suddenly, a light in his eyes flickered on, giving the impression that my response had jostled his long-term memory.

He smiled, as if joking, so I chuckled with him and said, "Do I look different to you?": remembering that I had been growing a light beard for the past week.

"Yeah." he chirped, "You look balder."

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